Nature’s Fairy Tale

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The Snail Rudolf’s Dream

Nature’s Fairy Tale

Snail Rudolf had a dream. He wanted to participate in a running race. All his friends and relatives told him that he was very talented. That he knows how to bite off the biggest bite on a leaf of lettuce, plaster a triple salto jumping from a lilac bush, and look so closely into the eyes of a bee that it instantly changes the flight path.

But Rudolf also wanted to be the fastest runner. Hearing that a running race would take place in the forest in a week, Rudolf set off immediately.

On the morning of the race, the forest was bustling with activity- several wolves, some restless hares, and even a raven were already at the starting line. As soon as the starting shot was fired, everyone dashed down the narrow forest path. Rudolf did too. He ran with all his might, but he was the last to reach the finish line. He felt very sad.

His friend Butterfly flew over to him and, gently fluttering his bright yellow wings, said: “I once had a dream of becoming the most agile swimmer. I tried it once and almost lost my wings. Then, feeling a bit sad, I realized that not everything we wish for is suited to us. We are the most agile and happiest when we do what we are meant to do.” With a few elegant wing flaps, the butterfly landed on a beautiful, sweet-smelling flower and carefree gave a wink.

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